My new program and nutrition plan is designed and implementation has begun.
Many new variables have been included this year that have never been considered before. As always, I make it a point to make drastic changes from show to show, and this year is going to be no exception.
I am training 5 days a week most weeks. Some weeks I back that down to 4 days, but I train twice a day. This is the first year in awhile that I have someone overseeing my periodization and keeping track on my body's ability to recover and grow.
I feel like a kid at Christmas every time I start implementing a new program. Its just so interesting to me to see what amazing changes I will undergo. I am stronger than ever and my body feels healthy and injury free. I will be bringing an even more balanced physique to the stage this year.
Current Split:
(This is every other week, one week I train back twice, one week I train it once and take the extra day off)
Some of you may have noticed on my personal blog or on my fan page that I am training certain body parts twice in one day…..yup, this is true! I wouldn't recommend it for most people. There are just way too many variables to consider before undertaking this type of training program. BUT, if you're looking to make some sick gains really fast…I am including a section on it in my new book. Which is to be released this fall! For More Information Click Here
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